Aerosport 103 GP/EP Scale Ultralight Balsa 2390mm ARF

  • $ 17,409.00 MXN
    Precio unitario por 
  • Ahorra $ 3,134 MXN



Modelo: Jandra Tangzong - HPK579000001-0

Aerosport 103 Gp/ep Scale Ultralight Balsa 2390mm Arf


The thrill of open cockpit flying is alive and well with the new Aerosport 103 sport scale ultralight. This 1/3rd scale depicts one of the many popular homebuilt light aircraft and features many scale details.

The Aerosport 103 features a aluminum tube fuselage, with balsa wings and tail. It is designed to accept gas, or electric power options so however you choose to power it, you have options. It includes pilot figure, full hardware package, fuel tank, clear windscreen and fiberglass nose section, along with shock absorbing landing gear with a steerable nose wheel. Details include the aforementioned pilot figure, rudder pedals, control stick plus functional wing struts. The twin booms will accept up to 16" propellers.

The large wing area, combined with the low wing loading and large tail gives the Aerosport 103 docile handling, perfect for relaxed days at the flying field. Check it out, its a lot of fun cruising the skies low and slow! (Its the way to go)

• Almost Ready to Fly - Complete final assembly, install electronics, power system, and fly!
• Wing and tail sections pre-built with vibrant multi-colored film covering
• Light weight aluminum alloy fuselage and wing struts recreates the full size
• Gas or electric options
• Steerable tricycle landing gear
• Two piece removable wing panels
• Pilot figure included along with other scale detail features
• Large wing area for smooth, stable flight characteristics

Wing Span: 2390mm
Length: 1550mm
Weight: 4700g

4+ Channel transmitter and receiver
20~30cc Gas engine or 120~170 class, 400~580kv brushless motor
6S 22.2V 5000mAh Lipoly (electric power)
100A ESC (electric power)
4~5 Standard servos

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  • Envio rapido y economico! Aproximadamente 8 dias desde la fecha de compra.
  • Mas de 3500 productos para profesionales a los mejores precios.
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  • La garantia mas grande y flexible del mercado.


    Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :

    Estafeta Zona Metropolitana 1814 m.n. 533 m.n.
    Redpack Zona Metropolitana 1814 m.n. 533 m.n.
    Estafeta Interior de la Republica 2134 m.n. 533 m.n.
    Redpack Interior de la Republica 2134 m.n. 533 m.n.
    Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) 8108 m.n. 2560 m.n.

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