Ctrl.Vuelo Openpilot CC3D c/Cables Totalmente Autorizado

  • $ 987.00 MXN
    Precio unitario por 
  • Ahorra $ 178 MXN



Modelo: OEM - HPK9387000059-0

Controlador De Vuelo Openpilot Cc3d C/set De Cables Totalmente Autorizado


CopterControl from the OpenPilot project introduces a new generation of multi-purpose aircraft stabilization platforms. The CC3D boards is an all-in-one stabilization hardware flight controller, which runs the OpenPilot firmware. It can fly any airframe from fixed wing to an octocopter and is configured and monitored using the powerful and user friendly OpenPilot Ground Control Station (GCS) software.

The CC3D is an update to the original Copter Control board, now using the powerful single chip IMU. The board shares a lot with the Revolution platform, including the powerful OpenPilot architecture and the cross-platform Ground Control Station (GCS). The CopterControl platform has been designed from the ground up to perform a host of functions from auto-level, multi-copter, Fixed wing UAV’s and even Flybarless Helicopter support. The new included Flexiport provides either I2C connectivity or a second serial port.

OpenPilot has made their flight controller as easy and trouble-free as possible. The Open Pilot project, whilst still young, it's trying to make Open Source much more user friendly. You won’t need to buy add-on boards or extra chip programmers. Don’t be fooled by the price. CopterControl provides comparable functionality to other high-end autopilots at a small fraction of the cost. Commercial projects will charge what they can get away with, regardless of quality or features. The non-profit OpenPilot project is different. Consider getting involved and helping the progress.

The CC3D board is fully authorized by OpenPilot and built with quality import parts, (unlike the cheap copy boards that can suffer from voltage fluctuations).

• MultiRotor controller with auto-level, including TriCopters, QuadCopters and HexaCopters
• Flybarless Helicopter controller with auto-level
• Fixed Wing UAV controller
• Powerful STM32 32-bit microcontroller running at 90MIPs with 128KB Flash and 20KB RAM
• 3-axis high-performance MEMs gyros and 3-axis high-performance MEMs accelerometer
• Tiny 36mmx36mm 4 layer PCB for superior electrical noise reduction and flight performance.
• Software support for Windows, Mac and Linux
• Direct high speed USB support with no drivers required, a truly plug and play device.
• Spektrum satellite receiver support
• Futaba S-BUS hardware support and PPM
• Innovative Flexi-port technology for superior port flexibility
• 4Mbits on-board EEPROM for configuration storage

Size: 36x36mm
Weight: 5.7g
Mounting: M3 holes @ 30.5mm square 

CC3D Flight controller Rev C with V4 bootloader pre-installed
Full cable set to match the onboard ports

OpenPilot software is designed to be used by everybody! All major operating systems are supported and install packages are provided. The software is all Free software under the GPLv3 license and not only are you welcome to hack it, but we encourage it! www.Openpilot.org

NOTE: Color may vary, some PCBs will be delivered in a black finish.

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