DYS Eje Hueco 2606 Motor Cardan Brushless BGM2606-90
Modelo: OEM - HPK206000019-0
Dys Eje Hueco 2606 Motor De Cardan Brushless Bgm2606-90
DYS released their new hollow shaft BGM series for the DIY community. The hollow shaft allows thin flexible wiring to go through the motor center, this allows a given Axis to rotate 360 deg a few revolutions in both directions. This is perfect for the Z axis on a DIY or converted 2 axis gimbal to do 360 degree sweeps and shoots you would normally have to have the aircraft reposition in flight to achieve. The 2606 is perfect sized for the Z/Yaw axis on a GoPro style Gimbal or Tilt/pitch on a mid-size gimbal. The BGM also has a PCB w/solder pads to attach the control leads and included wiring with JR style connector
Poles: 12N14P
Turn: 90
Resistance: 11.25ohm
Weight: 39g
Torque: 350g
Bottom holes center to center: 16mm and 19mm M3
Top holes center to center: 16mm M3
Dimensions: 32x17mm
Shaft hole dia: 4.6mm
Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :
Estafeta Zona Metropolitana | 23 m.n. | 7 m.n. |
Redpack Zona Metropolitana | 23 m.n. | 7 m.n. |
Estafeta Interior de la Republica | 27 m.n. | 7 m.n. |
Redpack Interior de la Republica | 27 m.n. | 7 m.n. |
Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) | 104 m.n. | 33 m.n. |
Nota al calce... |
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