F86 Sabre RCAF 90mm Jet EDF 1038mm Fibra Vidrio ARF

  • $ 7,959.00 MXN
    Precio unitario por 
  • Ahorra $ 1,433 MXN



Modelo: Jandra Tangzong - HPKF8690CAG

F86 Sabre Rcaf 90mm Jet Edf 1038mm Fibra De Vidrio Arf


The F-86 Sabre was the first US swept wing jet fighter and found fame in the 1950s Korean conflict. The main adversary of the Sabre was the Mig 15, which was superior to the Sabre in terms zoom rate and armament, despite this, the kill ratio in the Korean conflict was 10:1 in favour of the Sabre courtesy of a superb aircraft combined with experienced and aggressive WW2 veteran fighter pilots.

This superb model really looks the part, pre-painted in the RCAF Golden Hawks Display Team livery and featuring plenty of molded panel line detail, this Sabre is a really nice representation of one of the most famous Cold War jet fighters and there is even a full scale cockpit and pilot available to add that final finishing touch*

Small enough to bungee launch, the under-side has been left complete so no unsightly under-carriage holes to spoil the look or you can fit the supplied fixed gear with a few minutes effort , experienced modelers could fit retracts with a bit of work. The supplied 90mm fan unit has huge potential and there is no doubt, speed will not be an issue. The pre-fitted flaps will keep landing speeds sensible and when you put together the scale looks, speed, amazing flight performance and practicality of this Sabre, this is a model that truly gives the RC jet pilot the best of all worlds.

Wingspan: 1038mm
Length: 960mm
Flying Weight: 2800g~3000g
90mm EDF
5-6 Channel

All Hardware
Fixed Under-carriage
90mm Fan Unit (5mm Shaft)

Your Own 5~6 Channel TX/RX
4000mAh~5000mAh 6s Lipoly Battery
36mm EDF Motor 1200w + with 5mm shaft
7-8 MG High Torque Micro Servo
80A~100A ESC

*Cockpit and Pilot sold separately, see related items below.

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    Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :

    Estafeta Zona Metropolitana 684 m.n. 201 m.n.
    Redpack Zona Metropolitana 684 m.n. 201 m.n.
    Estafeta Interior de la Republica 804 m.n. 201 m.n.
    Redpack Interior de la Republica 804 m.n. 201 m.n.
    Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) 3056 m.n. 965 m.n.

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