F9F-2 Panther 70mm Jet EDF Esquema Color BRY 1050mm PNF

  • $ 11,718.00 MXN
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  • Ahorra $ 2,109 MXN



Modelo: Jandra Tangzong - HPK107000200-0

F9f-2 Panther 70mm Jet Edf Esquema De Color Bry 1050mm Pnf


The Grumman F9F Panther was the manufacturers first jet fighter and one of the US Navy's first successful carrier-based jet fighters. The Panther was the most widely used US Navy jet fighter of the Korean War and scored the first air to air kill by the US Navy during this period. The Panther was also the first jet aircraft used by the Blue Angels display team from 1949 until late 1954.

The model is of the F9F-2 version and is finished in the popular blue, red and yellow scheme of the US Navy. This is an excellent color scheme for a model as the red and yellow on the wings really stands out against all sky conditions, also because of its straight wing configuration and high tail it is an excellent choice for a first EDF project.The Panther is fitted with a 70mm 10 blade glass filled nylon fan unit with metal shroud and 3000kv brushless motor that will give up to 1700g of thrust on a 4S pack, this gives the Panther a good turn of speed and enables the model to perform reasonably large loops and climbing reversals for a real scale flying experience. Another feature this model has is that it is fitted with functional scale auxiliary intakes, these are located on the top of the fuselage and are sprung loaded, as power is applied these intakes are sucked open to provide more intake air without the need for cheater holes.  It is made of tough EPO foam and has the servo's, retracts, ESC and EDF unit pre-installed. Final assembly is minimal and should only require approximately one evenings work to have it ready for the flying field.

• Powerful 4S EDF system pre-installed
• Electric metal retracts
• 5-channel control with optional flaps
• Functional auxiliary intakes
• Tough EPO construction
• Plug and Fly - just requires your own battery and radio system

Wingspan: 1050mm
Length: 1000mm
Height: 300mm
Flying Weight: 1150g upwards
EDF: 70mm with 3000kv brushless motor
ESC: 80A with SBEC
Servo: 9g x 5
Retracts: Metal electric servoless x 3 (Steerable nosewheel)

Panther F9F-2 EDF Jet
All Hardware

Your own 5~6 Channel Transmitter and Receiver
3300mah~4000MaH 4S Lipoly Battery

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    Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :

    Estafeta Zona Metropolitana 593 m.n. 174 m.n.
    Redpack Zona Metropolitana 593 m.n. 174 m.n.
    Estafeta Interior de la Republica 697 m.n. 174 m.n.
    Redpack Interior de la Republica 697 m.n. 174 m.n.
    Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) 2649 m.n. 837 m.n.

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