PowerBox Competition SRS c/switch Sensor

  • $ 22,722.00 MXN
    Precio unitario por 
  • Ahorra $ 4,090 MXN



Modelo: Jandra Tangzong - HPK176000003-0

Powerbox Competition Srs C/switch Sensor


The PowerBox Competition SRS is the first device in an entirely new generation of power supply systems, and since its introduction it has grown to be the most popular product in our range.

SRS stands for Serial Receiver System: in contrast to conventional battery backer systems, servo information is transferred using a digital serial signal generated by the receiver. This reduces the number of connections required between the receiver and the PowerBox to a single cable. It is also easy to connect a second receiver to the system, which then assumes control of the model if the first receiver should fail to pick up a signal. In the case of Spektrum and Jeti, only the satellite receivers are connected to the Competition SRS.

The Competition SRS can output up to fourteen channels, with four of them being equipped with a servo-match function. The purpose of servo-matching is to adjust the centre point, end-points and direction of rotation very accurately for each servo. Multiple servos connected mechanically to a single control surface can be fine-tuned to operate exactly in parallel, preventing the servos working against each other.

However, servo-matching also allows functions to be linked, avoiding the need for two channels at the transmitter. As an example: the left and right landing flaps can be operated using just one transmitter channel, as the direction of rotation and the servo end-points are adjusted at the Competition.

The Competition SRS offers the option of a telemetry link with various radio control systems. This facility enables the pilot to view the voltage and residual capacity of both batteries on the transmitter's integral screen. Alarms - such as battery failure - are also generated at the transmitter itself.

The high-resolution OLED screen displays the voltage and residual capacity of both batteries, as well as the output voltage actually present.

The Competition SRS delivers a regulated output voltage of 5.9 V or 7.4 V, making it a great choice for standard 6.0 V servos as well as HV systems. In both cases the constant output voltage ensures consistent running and extended effective life for your servos.

The PowerBox Competition SRS can be updated using the USB interface adapter. This means that future expansions - such as additional telemetry systems - can be loaded and used in just a few minutes.
• High resolution graphical OLED screen with 128x64 pixels
• Programming procedure using the SensorSwitch in conjunction with the OLED screen
• Signal amplification for a total of 14 channels and 21 servos
• Double regulated output voltage
• Energy consumption, voltage- and residual capacity display in mAh for both batteries
• Selectable servo voltage of 5,9V or 7,4V
• Data feedback by downlink - i.e. for data such as voltage, consumption and residual capacity for both batteries
• Minimum value memory displays voltage drops in flight
• Suppression of servo feedback currents
• Supports LiPo, NiMH / NiCd, LiFePo battery types
• 4 match channels with 2 servos for each channel
• SRS: Serial Receiver System that uses receivers with serial interface: Spektrum DSM2 and DSMX, Multiplex M-Link, Futaba S-Bus, HoTT, JR X-BUS and Jeti R-SAT2
• Sockets for telemetry bus systems
• Integral door sequencer

Operating voltage: 4,0 Volts to 9,0 Volts
Power source:
2 x two-cell LiPO batteries 7,4 Volts

2 x five-cell NiCd or. NiMH batteries
2 x two-cell LiFePo batteries 6,6 Volts (A123)
Current drain:
Power-on state approx. 130 mA

Power-off state approx. 15 µA
Dropout voltage: approx. 0,25 V
Max. receiver and servo current: 2 x 10 A (stabilised), 2 x 20 A (Peak - Dependant on cooling) 
Servo signal resolution: 0,5µs
Signal frame rate: User variable -  9ms, 12ms, 15ms, 18ms, 21ms
Screen: OLED 128 x 64 pixels, graphic
Bus systems: Spektrum, Multiplex
Servo sockets: 21 sockets, 12 channels, 4 of them match-channels
Temperature range: - 30 °C to + 75 °C
Dimensions: 110 x 72 x 24 mm (incl. base plate)
Weight: 115 g
SensorSwitch: 15 g
EMV approval: EN 55014-1:2006
CE approval: 2004/108/EG

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