Servo Robotico Potencia HD AR-3606HB
Modelo: OEM - HPK068000014-0
Servo Robotico Potencia Hd Ar-3606hb
The Power HD AR-3606HB is a standard size servo that has been specifically designed for continuous rotation. At 6v, it has a maximum rotation speed of 70rpm (no-load) and can produce up to 6.7 kg of torque. It features 2 ball bearings on the output shaft for reduced friction. The servo also offers easy access to the rest-point adjustment potentiometer. The servo can be controlled using a direct connection to a single microcontroller I/O line without any additional electronics, which makes it a great actuator for beginner robotics projects.
The AR-3606HB continuous rotation servo converts standard RC servo position pulses into continuous rotation speed. The default rest point is 1.5ms, but can be adjusted by using a small slotted screwdriver to turn the center-point positioner.
The servo has a 300 mm lead that is terminated with a JR-style connector and includes additional servo horns and mounting hardware.
Model: AR-3606HB
Voltage: 4.8 ~ 6v
Speed @ 4.8V: .18sec
Speed @ 6V: .014sec
Torque @ 4.8V: 6kg/cm
Torque @ 6V: 6.7kg/cm
Weight: 40g
Size: 40.5 x 20.0 x 38mm
Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :
Estafeta Zona Metropolitana | 12 m.n. | 4 m.n. |
Redpack Zona Metropolitana | 12 m.n. | 4 m.n. |
Estafeta Interior de la Republica | 15 m.n. | 4 m.n. |
Redpack Interior de la Republica | 15 m.n. | 4 m.n. |
Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) | 56 m.n. | 18 m.n. |
Nota al calce... |
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