Set Lampara Navegacion Aeronaves

  • $ 819.00 MXN
    Precio unitario por 
  • Ahorra $ 147 MXN



Modelo: OEM - HPK9070000007

Set De Lampara De Navegacion Para Aeronaves


Aircraft Navigation Lamp Set - Adjustable distribution unit, JR style receiver plug, easy to use lighting set suitable for scale aeroplanes.

Simply hook up the distribution unit to an AUX channel on your reciever (gear switch would be ideal for instance) & connect to a battery and you can cycle through the 9 modes at the flick of a switch!

Civil Aviation Standards: the left red and right green light are always on, the  strobe lights are flashing at the highest speed, the beacon light is flashing at the high speed and a set frequency, the landing lights are off or on sequentially.
2: Civil Aviation Standards: the left red, right green light and strobe lights are flashing in the highest speed at a certain frequency, the beacon lights are flashing at the high speed and a set frequency, the landing lights are off or on sequentially.
3 and 4: Flash alternately:left side flash two times, right side flash two times, alternately flash with different frequency.
5: The left red light, the right green light and the strobe lights are always on the beacon lights is flashing in the highest speed at a certain frequency, the landing lights are off or on sequentially.
6: Emergency forced landing light flashing mode: all the lights are flashing at the highest speed at the certain frequency
7: Normal Cruise flashing: all the lights flash slowly
8: All lights on
9: All lights off

Input Voltage: 4.8~6V
Working Current: 100mA
LED Wire length: 800mm
AUX Cable Length: 300mm
Dimensions: 30 x 30 x 10mm
Weight: 30g

White LEDs x 5 
Red LEDs x 2
Green LEDs x 1
Distribution Box x 1
All necessary accesories

¿Por que comprar con nosotros?

  • Envio rapido y economico! Aproximadamente 8 dias desde la fecha de compra.
  • Mas de 3500 productos para profesionales a los mejores precios.
  • Soporte tecnico local en tu propio idioma !!
  • La garantia mas grande y flexible del mercado.


    Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :

    Estafeta Zona Metropolitana 9 m.n. 3 m.n.
    Redpack Zona Metropolitana 9 m.n. 3 m.n.
    Estafeta Interior de la Republica 11 m.n. 3 m.n.
    Redpack Interior de la Republica 11 m.n. 3 m.n.
    Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) 40 m.n. 13 m.n.

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