Sistema OSD : Placa,Modulos Poder,USB/GPS/IR/TEMP Remotos
Modelo: Hobbyking - HPKAPACHE-GPSKIT
Sistema Osd Hobbyking Combo Completo : Placa Principal,modulos De Poder,usb/gps/ir/temp Remotos
Hobbyking OSD System Combo: Main Board, Power Module, USB/GPS/IR/TEMP Modules w/Remote
The OSD Combo is a quick and easy way to add a wealth of on screen information to your FPV system. With GPS coordinates, airspeed, voltmeter, temperature, and many more display functions this OSD unit will make a great addition to any FPV setup at a fraction of the cost of other GPS OSD systems currently available. It even includes an IR sensor and remote control for wireless function control.
An excellent new feature of this system is the "home direction" indicator which works as follows:
"If more than 10KM/H or equivalent in MPH speed is measured by the GPS for not less
than half of a second, the system will switch the operating mode from “Landed” mode to
“Taken-Off” mode. The system will always compare between the current position
coordinate and the position measured in “Landed” mode, and calculate the “Home
Direction”, hence advises the pilot where the plane took off referencing to the current flying
heading. If you are lost during the flight, you may always fly back to the take-off
location by the referencing of home direction arrow."
OSD Display Features:
Power battery voltage
Power battery gauge
Power battery current
Power battery consumed energy
GPS status
Position Coordinate
Main Sea Level Altitude
Direction heading
Home direction
Relative altitude
Altitude scale
Climb rate
Maximum altitude reached
Distance to home
Speed scale
Speed reading
Auxiliary voltage status
Horizontal datum
Flight recorder status
Weights: Main board - 17g / Power module - 23g / USB Module - 10g / GPS Module - 14g
Dimensions: Main board - 60x18x34mm / Power module - 57x13x31mm / USB Module - 45x9x16mm / GPS Module - 30x9x17mm
***** Note: Firmware updates are available under the files tab. Check back regualry for the latest updates.
Usted puede recojer su producto en Nuestras Oficinas SIN COSTO alguno, o bien puede seleccionar cualquiera de las siguientes opciones :
Estafeta Zona Metropolitana | 27 m.n. | 8 m.n. |
Redpack Zona Metropolitana | 27 m.n. | 8 m.n. |
Estafeta Interior de la Republica | 32 m.n. | 8 m.n. |
Redpack Interior de la Republica | 32 m.n. | 8 m.n. |
Extra Urgente (DHL-FEDEX-UPS Internacional *aprox 4-6 Dias Hab.) | 120 m.n. | 38 m.n. |
Nota al calce... |
El nombre Comercial Hobbyking® asi como tambien sus Logotipos son marcas comerciales registradas que pertenecen a su respectivos propietarios Hobbyking Corporation y sus filiales. El uso publicitario de una marca ajena por un tercero, se admite siempre y cuando dicho uso no afecte al fin distintivo de la marca utilizada y, no se aprecie un riesgo de confusion y aprovechamiento de la reputacion generada. La Doctrina y Jurisprudencia comunitaria de la Organizacion Mundial de la Propiedad Intelectual OMPI han establecido una serie de requisitos para la legal utilizacion de una marca ajena en publicidad comparativa. |